Dismissals are never easy but you need to get it right!

Sue Love of LoveHRSolutions reveals why it makes good business sense to handle dismissals properly.

There are times in an employment relationship when things go wrong, but how an employer deals with these situations is crucial. Not only for that particular instance, but for any similar occurrences that may follow. Consistency in dealing with disciplinary situations is very important and employment tribunals will consider how these things have been handled in the past.

The key to managing any disciplinary situation is to ensure that the documentation is complete and explanatory, and that a fair process is followed.

Dismissal isn’t always about poor conduct in the workplace. Redundancy, capability or ill-health are also situations where an employer may consider that the employment relationship is no longer productive.

The business case for doing it properly is the potential costs of an unfair dismissal claim. Basic awards can be up to £12,900 and a compensatory award up to £72,300. However, these sums do not take into account legal fees and loss to company reputation.  Nor do the figures include the vast amount of management time that will be required both in preparation and also at a tribunal. And don’t forget the stress! However confident of your situation, going to a tribunal to answer questions on your actions is nerve racking, even for the for the most experienced manager.

Ensuring that the process followed is correct, reasonable and fair, saves time, money and makes good business sense.

Sue Love is a highly skilled and experienced HR professional. She has extensive industry experience and runs her own HR consultancy service, providing support at a regional, national and international level. Sue is currently offering a series of one- and half-day HR workshops at Highbury College.

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